Ice Diet: The Newest Fad Diet In The Bay Includes Eating Ice To Lose Weight

Ice Diet: The Newest Fad Diet In The Bay Includes Eating Ice To Lose Weight

Has there been a time when you wanted to shed off those extra kilos and turned to these weird fad diets taking the internet by storm? Some of these bizarre diets include sirtfood diet, sleeping beauty diet, baby food diet and whole30 diet; what intrigued us was the ice diet that claims to actually burn off the fat surrounding your body. Unbelievable, right? Wait till you find out what this diet actually suggests you to do. The ice diet involves eating many ice cubes in order to burn calories as eating ice causes your body to spend energy to heat the ice, which in turn helps your shed calories. Weird as it gets.

What is ice diet?


This fad diet was invented by Dr. Brian Weiner, who also wrote an e-book called The Ice Diet. This weird diet suggests people to eat lots of ice (read: at least one liter a day) in a day along with consumption of a healthy diet. Eating ice can help kick-start the metabolism because the body requires a lot of energy to melt it. In fact, it may also provide some amount of satiety, filling the space in the stomach, leading to lesser consumption of food. According to the e-book written by Dr. Weiner, ingesting about one liter of ice could burn about 160 calories.

ice diet
This fad diet was invented by Dr. Brian Weiner, who also wrote an e-book called The Ice Diet

How does the ice diet work?

According to Dr. Wiener’s e-book, the ice diet works by increasing the basal metabolic rate. When ingesting significant amounts of ice, the body must burn energy to warm the ice to body temperature. However, it also suggests that you cannot lose weight just by eating only ice, but also include a healthy diet.


Does ice diet really work?


According to a study published in a medical journal, The Annals of Internal Medicine, taking up the ice diet along with a healthy diet may actually help in losing weight. However, eating too many ice cubes may be harmful for health along with your damaging your teeth and causing cold and cough.


If you wish to follow the ice diet, here are some ways you can include ice in your daily diet.


1. Add ice to your glass of water


Drink ice cold water with every meal that will help you feel less hungrier and further help burn fat making you lose weight.

ice diet

The ice diet works by increasing the basal metabolic rate

2. Add ice cubes in your tea


Go ahead and add some ice cubes in your green tea, both of which act as natural appetite inhibitors.


While consuming a lot of ice cubes may be bad for health, you can definitely choose other ways to lose weight. Take cold showers or drink cold water and keep an ice-pack around the waist and see some of those calories burning.


