Tag Archives: decade

3 Crazy Ways Real Estate Could Change in the Next Decade

  Real Estate is an industry that in many ways hasn’t changed too much over the past several decades. Sure, it’s much easier to research homes online, but the general fee structure and other characteristics of the industry are ripe for disruption. With that in mind, although nobody can see the future, it’s fun to think about where the real Read More

Fisherman kept $100 mn worth giant pearl hidden in his house for a decade as good luck charm

This giant pearl could be the world’s largest natural pearl weighing over 34 kg. The treasure’s worth is pegged at around USD 100 million. The identity of the man who found the pearl has not yet been disclosed, but according to the Daily Mail, the man discovered the priceless gem around a decade back in the sea off the coast Read More

Global obesity rates expected to soar in next decade

“One-fifth of adults worldwide will be obese by 2025,” The Guardian reports, while The Sun warns that the “UK’s population to be fattest in Europe” by the same date. These are just some of the conclusions of a major modelling study of global obesity trends. The study used data covering 19.2 million adults in 186 countries, which was then used to Read More