Tag Archives: emotions

Painkillers affect thoughts: Ibuprofen, acetaminophen can influence your emotions

Popping over-the-counter drugs such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen may relieve your pain but they could also influence your thoughts and emotions, a new study has claimed. The study showed that these pain killers influence how people process information, experience feelings of hurt and react to emotionally evocative images. “In many ways, the findings are alarming,” said Kyle Ratner, a psychology Read More

Smoking weed may lead teens to have negative emotions, increased psychosis

Smoking cannabis to feel less depressed is a well-known phenomenon- but does it actually work? A study has recently warned that the teenagers who begin smoking pot early are at an increased risk of depression and heightened feelings of negative emotionality. According to researchers, young people with cannabis-dependence have an altered brain function that may be the source of emotional Read More