Tag Archives: EU

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EU backs separation of asset managers’ research and trading costs

The European Union’s executive has proposed clear separation of research and trading costs to inject more transparency into the fees that asset managers charge customers. The European Commission published long-awaited draft rules on Thursday to flesh out a key section of the bloc’s reform of securities markets, known as MiFID II. It has decided largely to back advice from the Read More

EU referendum: Migrant job data to be published

Specific information about the number of EU migrants paying tax and claiming benefits in the UK will be published in the run-up to June’s EU referendum. The move to release data on the number of National Insurance numbers actively used by EU citizens follows pressure from Eurosceptic MPs and economists. They have long argued official figures on inward migration from Read More

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Palace complains over report the Queen backs EU exit

ritain’s Queen Elizabeth visits the National Memorial to the Few in Folkestone, southern England March 26, 2015 in Folkestone, England. REUTERS/CHRIS JACKSON/POOL Buckingham Palace said it had launched an official complaint with Britain’s press watchdog on Wednesday over a newspaper report that Queen Elizabeth backs a British exit from the European Union, saying the monarch remains politically neutral. Under the Read More

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Bank pledge adds to fears that EU referendum will cause market turmoil

Central bank will open lending facility on three extra days to prevent financial sector suffering a credit squeeze at time of vote Bank of England governor is to face questions on Brexit. Photograph: Luke Macgregor/Reuters The Bank of England has heightened fears that Britain’s referendum on EU membership will destabilise already fragile financial markets, pledging to provide extra funds to Read More

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Cameron hits back at EU referendum foes with ‘Project Fact’

Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron holds a question and answer session with students at University Campus Suffolk in Ipswich Prime Minister David Cameron hit back on Monday at critics who accuse him of using scare tactics to keep Britain in the European Union, saying he was behind “Project Fact” not “Project Fear”. Talking to students in the eastern English town Read More