Tag Archives: O

Marathon runner O P Jaisha tests positive for H1N1 virus

Marathon runner OP Jaisha on Thursday tested positive for H1N1 virus aka swine flu after returning from Rio last week. She is the second Indian athlete to test positive for the virus after Sudha Singh was confirmed to be carrying the type A influenza strain on Wednesday. The marathon runner trained with Sudha before travelling to Rio for the Olympics. Read More

Newshour on O P Jaisha: How does one agree to play the bad guy?

Watching the Newshour on Times Now last night, I got the impression I was watching an episode of Tuesday Night Smackdown. Sure there were some similarities. The Newshour and Arnab Goswami are to news what the WWE and Vince McMahon are to sport. There’s clearly some sort of connection, but its mostly loud yelling more than anything. Like the WWE, Read More