Tag Archives: Older

COMMENTARY || Using technology to support caregivers of older people with dementia

In June, the government of Canada released its long-awaited Dementia Strategy for Canada: Together We Aspire. As a family caregiving researcher for more than two decades and a former family caregiver to my Dad, who had dementia, the strategy was welcome news. But my own research and personal experience suggest that we’re falling short of the aspiration to be “a Canada Read More

Older patients can benefit from prehabilitation before heart surgery

Older and frail patients could benefit from prehabilitation before surgery, finds a study. Prehabilitation is the process of enhancing an individual’s functional capacity to enable him or her to withstand a forthcoming stressor. The demand for surgical services is increasing as a result of an expanding “ageing population.” “The increasing number of older adults with a heart disease and subsequent Read More

Screening of swollen aorta can be harmful for older men

According to a recent study, the screening of a ballooning and weakened area in the aorta in the abdomen can harm older men. Researchers at the University of Gothenburg questioned the screening for aortic aneurysms in the abdomen of older men. Aortic aneurysms are an enlargement of the aorta to greater than the normal size. It usually has no symptoms Read More

A simple physical performance test can prevent falls in older patients

In elderly hospitalised people, the risk of sustaining a fall can be predicted through an easy physical performance test, suggests a research. A study of 807 older individuals admitted to hospital found that those who had poorer physical function at the time of admission were more likely to fall during their hospital stay; 329 falls occurred in 189 patients, including Read More

Back pain in active older adults linked to poorer endurance and walking efficiency

Active older adults with back pain may experience less energy efficient walking and poorer endurance, a new study suggests. “Older adults are living longer and healthier active lives, so paying attention to conditions that may threaten independent function is increasingly important,” said lead author of the study Eleanor Simonsick, from the National Institute on Aging in the US. The study, Read More

A Call for Better Awareness and Diagnosis of ADHD in Older Adults

Kathleen Orr, a 68-year-old clinical social worker, complains to her doctor that she struggles to remain focused, becomes easily distracted and has difficulty completing tasks at work and chores at home. After asking a few questions, her physician tells her that this is part of normal aging. Mary says, “But I’ve had this issue on-and-off my whole life.” The physician Read More