Tag Archives: rush

Mumbai’s real estate sees revival, builders rush to submit new construction plans

Mumbai’s real estate sector, which has been hit hard by a prolonged slowdown, is showing early signs of a revival. While the residential market continues to be sluggish, developers have been rushing to submit new construction proposals to the Mumbai municipality. Between April 1 and August 24 this year, the civic building proposals’ department has received over 4,507 construction proposals Read More

As some Republicans rush to defend House health bill, Senate GOP warily pauses

Several Republican leaders have formed a political barricade around the health-care bill that narrowly passed the House last week, defending how the legislation would change insurance coverage for people with preexisting illness or injury. But while House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) and Trump administration officials on Sunday rallied around the House legislation after intense criticism from Democrats, who say Read More

Poland rush court reforms ahead of NATO summit

Poland’s ruling conservatives rushed an amended version of its constitutional court reforms through parliament on Thursday, apparently in an effort to reassure its Western allies over the issue hours before a NATO summit opens in Warsaw. Opposition critics said, however, the changes fell short of what was needed to keep from undermining democratic checks and balances, a concern expressed by Read More