Tag Archives: self

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‘Depressed’ cop kills colleague, turns gun on self

A POLICEMAN on Monday night opened fired inside the Police Lines of Bulandshaher district, killing at least one of his colleagues and injuring several others. He later shot himself on the head with an INSAS rifle. Constable Saurabh Tyagi (34), who was allegedly suffering from depression, was a 2005-batch constable from Muzzaffarnagar. He was posted in the counting (gadna) office Read More

Madhya Pradesh: woman commits suicide by way of electrocuting self atop educate

An unidentified woman allegedly dedicated suicide via touching a excessive-anxiety wire along with her palms after hiking on top of a educate engine right here nowadays, police said. the driver of the goods teach noticed the female coming in the direction of it following which he applied brakes and stopped the locomotive, government Railway Police in-charge Balvant Singh Kaurav said. Read More