Small business owners continue to back President Donald Trump.
Seventy percent of small businesses are in favor of the President’s Buy American-Hire American executive order. If approved, it will require the government to review its current H-1B visa program.
Meanwhile, 52 percent rate Trump’s first 100 days in office as a success.
According to a new survey by business-for-sale marketplace BizBuySell, majority of small business owners support Trump on most issues.
Small Businesses Approve Trump’s Tax Plan and Immigration Crackdown
An overwhelming majority of small business owners (85 percent) say they support Trump’s proposed tax plan.
As for his controversial stance on immigrants, 59 percent of small businesses say they back the push for increased immigration crackdowns and deportations.
American Healthcare Act is a Sore Point
But small businesses are not particularly happy with Trump’s handling of healthcare issues. Forty-five percent feel President Trump has handled healthcare issues poorly.
Fifty-five percent say they don’t support the Republican healthcare replacement bill, also known as the American Health Care Act.
Meanwhile, 54 percent are opposed to the aspect of state waivers opting out of regulations and consumer protections that were included in Obamacare. This would mean states can allow insurers to charge more for patients with pre-existing conditions.
Small Businesses Keep Faith in President Trump
This is not the first time Trump got thumbs up from small businesses since he took office. Another recent survey conducted by SurveyMonkey in partnership with CNBC found nearly 3 out of 5 small business owners approving President Trump.
Respondents did however indicate that tax relief must come soon for them to continue supporting the president.
San Francisco-based BizBuySell surveyed more than 500 small business owners and prospective buyers to determine approval of Trump’s Presidency since he took office.