New mothers will vouch for this. There’s tremendous pressure to bounce back to pre-baby body. Pregnancy scars and stretch marks are seldom discussed openly. However, this “bouncing back” is a very distorted image of what motherhood is like.
For most women, the first few weeks after giving birth are spent figuring out this whole new person they’ve brought into this world, the baby’s schedules, breastfeeding, and more. Their own fitness, and well-being, are the biggest casualties. Still, this doesn’t stop people from shaming new mothers about their imperfect tummies or scars. Many women lose confidence in their bodies, despite its phenomenal ability to give birth.
This mom blogger’s honest account hopes to change that perception.
Mel Watts, who blogs under the pseudonym The Modern Mumma, has over 1,54,000 followers on Instagram. Watts shares regular snippets from her life, about raising four children in Central Coast in New South Wales.
Recently, she shared a post on the photo-sharing site that shows her stretch marks after going through a caesarean seven months ago. The post has since then gone viral with over 16,000 likes and many comments.
Her post dealt with the difficulty women have while coping with their post-baby bodies.
The post read: “I wish filtering this would make it look better. But it doesn’t. Forever a battle I’m battling, though the most insignificant battle for most. I’m not missing a limb, I have all of my children and I have all of my loved ones heathy and living under one roof…”
“The more weight I lose, the more skin appears. I use to measure my looks based on something I hated so much. But I’m actually a great person in many other ways. I can guarantee majority of the people on my accounts wouldn’t have a clue what was hidden under my clothing. Though I bet they liked me beforehand (or didn’t and just like to tag along to make fun of me) and I’d assume that there are a few other women out there who feel as though they worth is measured by something so similar..”
The post also highlighted about the importance of accepting people for who they are.
“Bringing up another generation of people who will lead, create change and empower others in the future it is vital to teach them to accept themselves for who they are. Love themselves (something I’m still learning daily) and be kind. Though something may seem small to you it might actually be a mountain hill to someone else.
And if you are like me, be kind to yourself. And thank the lord for high waisted pants and one pieces – or embrace the fuck out of it and bikini it.
We only have this one life.”