- Be Independent: Help your parents by funding your education with Education Loan
- Approval Before Admission: Get Education Loan approval letter before admission from Credila so you do not have to Downsize Your Dreams!
- Sources of Funds for USA I-20: Credila’s Education Loan approval letter demonstrates assured sources of funds for getting I-20 from USA Universities or Visa for many countries
- Funding Total Cost of Education: Credila funds total cost of your education, including living expenses & all other expenses reducing your financial worries
- Deal With An Expert: Credila is dedicated in providing only education loans. We understand your world & your unique and complex requirements.
- Easy to Apply: It doesn’t cost you anything to apply online to Credila. It just takes 5 minutes of your time! Credila’s person can visit you at your convenience to complete all the required loan related formalities.
- Tax Benefits: Education Loan from Credila provides income tax benefits under Section 80E of Income Tax Act of India (Click Here for Education Loan Tax Benefit Calculator)
- Trustworthy Company: Credila is a subsidiary of HDFC Ltd., one of the most trusted names in financial services industry
- Responsible Option: Education Loan makes students financially responsible. Parents can keep family savings for retirement & other emergencies
- Loan up to 100% of Educational Expenses: No margin money is required. You don’t have to compromise on quality of education of your child because of higher fees.
- Convenience: Education Loan at your door-step, no visiting bank branches multiple times. Credila’s person can visit you at your convenience.
- Flexibility: Flexibility on collateral security. Longer & flexible repayment options available.