Hyundai recently launched a facelifted model for the Grand i10 in the Indian market. Priced in the range of Rs 4.58 lakh to Rs 7.32 lakh, it is their primary fighter in the B-segment and takes on the Maruti Suzuki Swift, Honda Brio, Tata Bolt and Nissan Micra. Now with the Grand i0 out on the market, we can shortly expect its compact sedan, the Xcent, to be launched. Now, new spy shots reveal that the facelifted Xcent will get a revised rear-end. This was one of the major qualms that were brought with the current model and it looks like Hyundai has addressed the issue with this facelift.
The pictures reveal the tail lamps now become wrap-around rectangular units and their larger size indicates that the design will enhance the appearance in terms of size. Also visible is a large chrome strip above the number plate holder which is present in current car but is quite small in size. This new chrome strip will enhance the premium factor in the appearance. It also expected that the bumper will be updated to match the new tail lamps and chrome strip. We believe that Hyundai will launch the car by the end of this quarter with a marginal increase in price.