Proper Cooling Solutions for Industrial Environments

Because industrial environments have equipment that produces high heat, proper coolant solutions must be used to maintain efficient safely levels on a regular basis. Although there are various applications that can quickly lower the temperatures of fluids, dependable cooling solutions must have key characteristics. The most important elements include:

  • Low viscosity
  • Low freezing point
  • Thermal stability

Most industrial workers use water, deionized water, and glycol frequently because each of these applications has all of the required properties for a heated environment. They also rely on these items because the process of obtaining them isn’t a hassle.


Water is one of the most popular solutions for extremely hot industrial equipment, as it has an increased heat capacity and an ideal thermal conductivity. Many experts compare water to copper, which is beneficial because copper is a highly effective material that’s commonly used during heat transfer situations. Since water can be gathered from different sources, workers stock particular options for specific cooling situations. For example, when generic water is needed for a minor cooling task, workers typically use tap water, as it’s readily available and cheap. However, they never use this kind of water to cool important or delicate industrial gadgets because the chemicals that are commonly found in the water may ruin or damage the housing on key operational components. In order to protect sensitive equipment, properly treated water is required because it will prevent corrosion while increasing thermal operations.

Deionized Water

Deionized water is a unique solution for vital cooling situations since it doesn’t have any harmful elements that can cause high levels of rusting. When this fluid is manufactured, many substances are removed, such as copper, sodium, and chloride. Minerals are also extracted during the deionization process, as salts can lead to scale generation and rust. Although tap water is a practical coolant, deionized water is a more effective solution for any project that involves electrical hardware. Deionized produces professional results in electrical environments because it’s a strong insulator.


Glycol provides benefits during jobs that require rapid liquid cooling. It’s a suitable option for modern cooling routines, as it has an increase boiling point and a decreased freezing point. Glycol also has practical stability properties, which means that workers can rely on the application in environments that have different temperature ranges.

Besides these coolant options, there are many other products that can successfully manage temperatures. If a solution is needed that can boost safety in a general reactor environment, a fluidizer is worth considering.