Tag Archives: Dear

Dear senior citizens, beware of head injuries. They may increase dementia risk

Suffering a traumatic brain injury from a blow to the head boosted dementia risk by 24 percent in a Danish study group of nearly three million people, researchers said Wednesday. The survey of 36 years’ worth of data — collected from the Danish national patient register — found that the risk of dementia rose with the number and severity of Read More

Dear women, take note. Menopausal hormone therapy may decrease heart failure risk

Menopausal hormone therapy, used to treat hot flashes, sleep disturbances and vaginal dryness, may also have the potential to lower risk of heart failure, say researchers, led by one of Indian origin. The study found that menopausal hormone therapy caused significantly smaller change in the structure and function of left ventricle and left arterial chamber in the human heart. This Read More

Dear teens, the advertisements on your favourite TV show may be making you fat

Junk food advertisements (ads) shown during programmes that are popular with young people, such as talent shows and football matches, drives youngsters to snack more on unhealthy food. Curbing these ads may help decrease the risk of rising obesity, which is a key factor in the development of deadly illness such diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer among others, suggests a Read More

Dear men, there’s good news for you. Yoga can slow down ageing of the brain

Practising yoga regularly can slow down ageing of the brain and help it stay young, claims a study. The study by the researchers of the Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS), said that yoga might help in prevention of age-related degeneration by changing cardiometabolic risk factors and brain-derived neurotrophic factors among men. A previous study showed that there was Read More

Dear moms-to-be, make sure you have these 5 things in your bag when stepping out

Mothers-to-be today are constantly on their toes. During pregnancy not only is your body changing but your hormones are also surging, and in many ways you’re more susceptible to health and hygiene issues. But there are plenty of things you can do to make your journey as safe and enjoyable as possible and to prepare for what’s to come. Here’s a list of Read More

Dear parents, take note! Peer influence doubles smoking risk among teens

Smoking is powerful enough to affect almost every part of the body. Yet surveys in the past has revealed that most smokers try to quit but fail, despite knowing ill effects. Now, new research has found that having peers who smoke doubles the risk that non-smoking teenagers will also pick up the habit. Led by Jiaying Liu, PhD, a recent graduate from the Read More