Tag Archives: Diet
How to lose weight without dieting: Expert tips- treat yourself, eat a healthy and balanced diet
In case you’ve been struggling to budge the scale and you’re looking for a way to help you drop pounds or boost weight loss, you would want to follow these eating tips to get lean and flatten your tummy. How to lose weight without dieting: 3 eating tips from experts to help you get lean and flatten your tummy | Read More
Master cleanse – Lemonade diet for weekend detox and weight loss
The lemonade diet is very popular for detox and weight loss. It contains Vitamin C and many antioxidants that help to cleanse the body of toxins. Other benefits of the diet include weight loss and healthy skin. Master cleanse – Lemonade diet for weekend detox and weight loss | Photo Credit: Getty Images New Delhi: The weekend is the time to unwind Read More
Unhealthy Lifestyle May Up The Risk Of Diabetes; Diet Tips To Stay Healthy
According to a study published in The BMJ, night shifts clubbed with an unhealthy lifestyle can put you at particularly high risk of type-2 diabetes. It is well established that unhealthy lifestyle behaviour like smoking, a poor diet and little exercise, and being overweight or obese increase the risk of type-2 diabetes. Shift work, especially night shift work, has also Read More
Children, Teens Should Not Be On A Paleo Or Gluten-Free Diet
The low-carb paleo diet has been one of the most searched diets online in recent years. Many of the leading paleo programs actively market to teens, and a few years back, a celebrity chef in Australia even co-wrote a paleo cookbook for babies and kids. Public health officials there warned that the paleo diet, which eschews carbohydrates, processed foods and Read More
Best diet to reduce belly fat, boost heart health revealed
Trying hard to reduce that burgeoning waistline? Following a heart-healthy diet that is rich in fibre and low in saturated fats could be the key to weight loss and reducing belly fat, suggests a study. While dieting may help fight abdominal obesity, the ones that are popular on the internet, including intermittent fasting, high-protein diets, the “Paleo” diet, and green tea, all lack high-quality evidence. None Read More
Perfect diet plan for weight loss, here’s how to make food help you get fit
Sometimes you pay Rs 2,000 a month thinking that the money paid will motivate you to get to the gym. And at times, after paying the money, a month goes by and you realise you’ve just visited the gym twice. Maybe you find the gym routine boring or maybe you just aren’t getting enough time to go there. However, it Read More
Healthy or unhealthy? Avoid these 10 good food from your diet to stay fit
Is the health food aisle in the supermarket your go-to spot to pick up nutritious and healthy food? Do you snack on dried fruits when that 4pm hunger hits you? If the answer to both those questions are yes, you need to read this. A lot of products that are advertised to be healthy can be extremely unhealthy when consumed Read More
Fish is the healthiest food you can include in your diet. Here’s why
Almost every nutritionist worth her salt will tell you to consume more fish to reach your weight loss and fitness goals. Fish, they say, is the healthiest food you can include in your diet. However, until now, the reasons were not clear why dieticians and nutritionists included fish in most healthy diet. Omega 3 and -6 – present in large Read More
Your diet plan to fight inflammation is here, include these 5 nutrients
Most health advice doesn’t fail to mention inflammation. You probably know that you’re supposed to keep your body’s inflammation levels under check. But what exactly is it? And why is too much of it bad for you? Simply put, inflammation is part of the body’s immune response. A defense mechanism. As Pooja Thacker, nutritionist, Bhatia Hospital, Mumbai, puts it, “Inflammation Read More
Lose weight faster with these 4 fun ways to include fruits, veggies in diet
Let’s face it. Healthy food isn’t always the most exciting. If you’re like us, you’re dead tired of eating khichdi for dinners and ordering a sad-looking salad every time you go to a restaurant. Surely, there had to be sneaky ways we can include some fruits and vegetables into our meals. Fortunately, Harman Sawhney, brand chef, Hoppipola, Mumbai, agrees. Here’s Read More