Tag Archives: Dried

Dried seahorse, manta ray gills and tiger bones: Can they cure asthma, cancer or AIDS?

A pinch of powdered chimpanzee bone, some gecko saliva, a dash of vulture brain. These are not the ingredients of a fairytale witches’ brew, but some of the prized substances helping drive the multi-billion dollar illegal trade in animal parts touted to cure anything from a hangover or asthma, to cancer and AIDS. Along with better-known products, such as rhino Read More

Enjoy good health with this Almond and Oven Dried Tomato Salad recipe

  Don’t you agree that eating salads is the most convenient way to work in good health into your life? A couple of servings of vegetables and fruits and you are all set. No, don’t scrunch your face yet. If you aren’t a big fan, it probably means that you haven’t been making your salad right. Also, look at it Read More