Tag Archives: drinking

Should You Be Drinking Water During A Meal?Here’s The Answer

Have you ever heard people advising you to avoid drinking water during your meals? Well, the common notion is that drinking water during your meals can put off the digestive fire (agni) and can cause tummy troubles. Turns out, it’s not true. Health experts suggest that one should drink water during meals as it only helps make the digestion process Read More

Alcohol: Consistent moderate drinking could reduce heart disease risk

A new study published in the BMC Medicine journal linked occasional drinking to a lower risk of heart disease. The data was collected from 6 studies, including 5 from the UK. The researchers examined the drinking patterns of the people and their risk of developing Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). The research was led by University College London and the University of Cambridge. Read More

Benefits Of Drinking Water: 8 Ways To Ensure You Are Having Enough Water

Experts around the world cannot emphasise enough on the need to stay hydrated at all times. Also dubbed as the elixir of life, water controls and manages several critical functions like digestion, transporting nutrients and oxygen to the cells, preventing constipation and maintaining the electrolyte (sodium) balance. The body also eliminates water through urine and sweat, which is why it Read More

Worried about diabetes? Drinking 100% fruit juice will not affect your blood sugar levels

Drinking 100% fruit juice does not raise blood sugar levels, according to a study. The findings are consistent with previous research indicating that 100% fruit juice is not associated with an increased risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes and supports a growing body of evidence that 100% fruit juice has no significant effect on glycemic control. Previous research had said Read More

Why Drinking Ginger Water Every Day Is Extremely Beneficial

Ginger is a long established medicine which is loaded with essential nutrients. Its healing properties have been known since ages and have been adapted by numerous cultures. Ginger roots are powered with vital minerals like manganese, copper magnesium and potassium. Apart from this, it is also rich in vitamins such as E,C and A. Ginger not only increases the body’s metabolism, but also improves Read More

#SavitriShaming and how drinking harms women

Shruti, a student I know of at an engineering college in India, spoke to me of the pressure to adopt the ‘bar culture’ — being associated with ‘progressive modernity’. A mixed group of her friends had gone to a nightclub in Delhi. Most of the students in the group were drinking, but Shruti preferred not to. She was told she Read More