Tag Archives: Enhancing

How Technology is Enhancing Local-Level Governance

With the increasing penetration of internet through 2G, 3G and broadband technologies, including social media platforms, mobile phones have enabled communication at an unparalleled rate in India. According to a recent report by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), India will have more internet users than the entire population of six G7 countries by 2021 (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and Read More

Three Ways Enhancing Transparency Drives Conversion In The Real Estate Market

Shutterstock Consumers are habituated to receive information, answers to their questions and access to a range of services immediately, from ordering food to hailing a car ride and even receiving pre-approval on a loan for a home. Need a recommendation on something as routine as where to eat or something as personal as which real estate agent to work with? Read More