Tag Archives: Shouldn’t

5 lesser-known signs of an unhealthy heart that you shouldn’t ignore

One of the most common signs of a heart problem is chest pain that radiates downwards, towards the left arm. There are, however, some other atypical symptoms that you may not be aware of. It is important to note that these atypical symptoms are most often present in diabetics, women, and elderly patients. Take a look at the uncommon signs Read More

Women’s Health: Obesity Shouldn’t be Left Ignored, it’s Not Just Weight Gain

Highlights Obesity refers to having too much fat in one’s body People are obese when their body mass index is more than 30 kg/m2 Women develop this medical condition due to several reasons Obesity refers to having too much fat in one’s body. But it isn’t the same as being over-weight. An over-weight person weighs more than he is supposed Read More

7 Upcoming Food Events in Delhi This March You Shouldn’t Miss

Loving the weather aren’t you? And why should you not. March is here! Spring is here! Spring has caught the poetic imagination of writers across the world since forever. And what is the best way to celebrate this beautiful season? With some great food. Because it is perfectly legit, if a yellow or pink blossomed flower, reminds you of the Read More