Leadership Hudson students enjoyed a day getting educated on the educational systems available to area residents, while also experiencing what the future holds for area learners. Photo courtesy of the Hudson Chamber of Commerce
Leadership Hudson students enjoyed a day getting educated on the educational systems available to area residents. Education day with Leadership Hudson offers adult professionals a chance to relive a bit of their past, while also experiencing what the future holds for area learners.
Education day started in the Hudson School District offices with a construction presentation by Superintendent Nick Ouelette. He offered building progress updates and the expected outcomes that these improvements would have for area youth.
Along with spacial improvements, many program advancements are also expected. Hudson residents will see advancements in college and career exploration, alternative continuing education exploration, and growth in school to work placement with additional apprenticeship and skilled labor opportunities. Various programs are being further developed to connect a wider variety of students to the business community. The Hudson education system is responding to the immediate needs for a skilled workforce and offering quicker advancement into the workplace by a wider range of student abilities.
Leadership Hudson students experienced a glimpse of advanced programing and new teaching techniques. They enjoyed advanced technologies such as virtual reality goggles and experienced a presentation by high school students who are specializing through the optimized teaching tracts that the STEM Academy option offers. They toured the new spaces at the middle school and walked the halls of the high school in construction progress.
Students closed out the day at the University of River Falls — Hudson Center to learn more about meeting the needs of today’s learners. Further educational opportunities were explored including adult degree completion programs, additional professional certification, and alternative career pathways. Presentations by representatives from UWRF and Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College reinforced that Hudson offers many opportunities to continue to grow.