Anjali started making pookalam from Attam (as per Malayalam calender), September 4, 2016.
She continued to make new patterns each day, to follow the tradition.
Take a look at her designs!

IMAGE: Anjali (left) has been making pookalams every year on Onam, since her childhood.
Day 1

IMAGE: Quite an elaborate pookalam, isn’t it? Loved the play of colours.
Day 2

IMAGE: On Day 2, Anjali used leaves and petals creatively.
Day 3

IMAGE: Her love for flowers reflects in these beautiful pookalams she makes.
Day 4

IMAGE: Surprisingly, she never ran short of ideas and everyday the pookalams looked different.
Day 5

IMAGE: This pookalam is a fusion of leaves and four different coloured flowers.
Day 6

IMAGE: This one here is pretty colourful, right?
Day 7

IMAGE: From Day 7, she began experimenting with the shapes.
Day 8

IMAGE: As the days passed, the shapes got wackier, like this one.
Day 9

IMAGE: There she’s back to the regular circle, but with a twist.
Day 10

IMAGE: See how she played around with simple geometry in this pookalam!
Day 11

IMAGE: And the her last pookalam reminds us of the one she made on Day One.
Send us your Onam pookalam pictures to [email protected] (subject line: Onam Pics) and tell us how you celebrate the festival.
Don’t forget to add your NAME, AGE and the place where you LIVE.