Tag Archives: Cycling

Cycling is the best form of exercise. This Tour de France champion tells us why

During his professional career, it is estimated that German road bicycle racer Jens Voigt (born September 17, 1971) rode a total of 8,50,000 km. He has won the Critérium International five times, a tied record, and won the yellow jersey twice in individual stages of the Tour de France in 2001 and 2006. Voigt, who stays in Berlin with his Read More

Tandem cycling: After conquering the skies, visually challenged man to conquer Himalayas

Pune-based Divyanshu Ganatra had earlier this year become the first visually-challenged person in India to paraglide and now he aims to become the first such person to go tandem cycling on the difficult terrain of the Himalayas. Along with software professional Gagan Grover, Ganatra is set to start a 550-km trail from Manali to Khardungla on Saturday. They will have Read More

Cycling may cut risk of Type 2 diabetes risk

Cycling, often marked as a recreational activity, can significantly reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes (T2D), if used as a means of transport to work daily, suggests a research. The findings showed that people who took up habitual cycling were at 20 per cent lower risk for T2D than non-cyclists. “Because cycling can be included in everyday activities, Read More