Tag Archives: death

High bad cholesterol increases risk of death even for healthy people

People who are young and healthy may still be vulnerable to the risk of premature death from cardiovascular disease if they have higher levels of bad cholesterol, according to a new research. Bad cholesterol, or LDL, contributes to clogged arteries which increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. The findings showed that compared with participants who had LDL readings of under 100 mg/dL, Read More

Not just your diet: Weight-loss surgery may halve risk of death in adults

Obese middle-aged men and women who undergo bariatric surgery for weight loss may have reduced their risk of death by 50 % than those tackling their weight through diet and behaviour alone, finds a study. Weight loss in bariatric surgery is achieved by reducing the size of the stomach with a gastric band or through removal of a portion of Read More

Chronic Kidney Patients’ Urine Can Predict Their Risk of Death

A new study suggests that marker in urine can reveal a lot about the health of patients with chronic kidney disease. A team of experts from the University of Utah has found that low ammonium excretion in the urine of such patients may put them at higher risk of disease progression and even. The experts studied 1,044 individuals with Chronic Read More

Obesity raises risk of premature death in men

Men who are overweight or obese are nearly three times more at the risk of premature death than women, says a study. The findings showed that the premature deaths, defined as those at ages 35-69 years, would be 29.5 per cent and 14.6 per cent for moderately obese men and women respectively. This corresponds to an absolute increase of 10.5 Read More

Paranormal investigator’s death a mystery, Delhi police look for clues

Four days after 32-year-old paranormal investigator Gaurav Tiwari was found dead in the bathroom of his Dwarka house, police are yet to establish the sequence of events that led to his death. Sources said investigators found a stole in the bathroom and suspect he hanged himself with it. However, sources said police believe this is unlikely. Police said they have Read More

Burhan Wani encounter: How Twitter reacted to his death

Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani was eliminated in a joint operation on Friday in Anantnag, Jammu & Kashmir. The 21-year-old reportedly joined the militant outfit in 2010 to avenge the alleged assault on him and his brother by the Army. He has been in the news for releasing videos, warning of attacks in J&K. Burhan, who was known as the Read More

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Teenage girls who tortured Angela Wrightson to death given life sentences

Judge locks up girls, who were just 13 and 14 when they mounted ‘gratuitous, degrading’ attack on vulnerable alcoholic, for at least 15 years Angela Wrightson was subjected to a nine-hour ordeal before she was killed by the two girls, who were 13 and 14 at the time. Photograph: Cleveland police/PA Two teenagers who were in care and described as Read More