Category Archives: Education

Primary schools accused of ‘social segregation’ by rejecting poorer pupils in favour of children from richer homes

Places at church schools are highly competitive Getty Primary schools in England have been accused of “social segregation” after a report showed more than 1,500 schools were turning away disadvantaged pupils in favour of children from higher-income families. A report from the Sutton Trust found some of the most popular primary schools – particularly faith schools – had complicated oversubscription criteria that actively Read More

One in four primary schools is full or over capacity

Forecasts show that 295,000 more primary-age pupils will be enrolled in schools by 2020 Monkey Business Images/REX/Shutterstock Labour Party MPs have criticised the government’s “failed approach to planning for school places” as a “broken system”, amid claims that one in four primary schools is now full or over-capacity. Statistics from the Department for Education suggest that around 23 per cent of Read More

BRICS universities join grad programming

A network of universities has been formed with the aim of establishing joint graduate programmes across universities in BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. L-R: Victor Koksharov, Rector of Ural Federal University, Russia; Aline Schleicher, Ministry of Education, Brazil; Diane Parker, Department of Higher Education and Training, South Africa; Vinay Sheel Oberoi, Ministry of Human Resource Read More racks up more Silicon Valley funding

Following an investment of $60m just two months ago, global accommodation booking site,, has received another injection of Silicon Valley funds from capital venture firm Breyer Capital. Natalie is a journalism graduate from City University London, who spent part of her degree at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill studying mass communication. In her spare time, she Read More

Nottingham Trent scoops Whatuni’s int’l award

The International award, which is based on results exclusively from international students, saw NTU edge ahead of second place Swansea University and St Mary’s University Twickenham in third. British comedian Jimmy Carr presented the awards and higher education representatives from across the UK attended the lavish ceremony in central London. “We all just really enjoy working with international students, that is Read More

ALTO outlines portal plan in drive to standardise study travel

The concern over education agencies selling language school courses “based on what makes us the same, not what makes us different”, was an argument pitched against standardisation of language study booking in the Big Debate at the IALC Workshop last week. Thiago Espana explains ALTO’s plans to the audience of IALC member schools and agencies. Photo: IALC Amy Baker is a Read More

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Doing a PhD is as tough as training for a marathon – and I’m doing both

I used to wake up full of doubts about being a student again, but running has taught me to pace myself and stay focused ‘I’ve learned to embrace the freedom that my PhD provides, using it to my advantage.’ I used to have a normal job, with set working hours, drinks with colleagues on a Friday night and a desk Read More

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School libraries face a bleak future as leaders try to balance the books

Libraries are suffering at the hands of budget, curriculum and digital demands. But we must not underestimate this vital resource ‘Libraries need to be accessible to all children – not made redundant on the whim of those who mistakenly think they are outdated and irrelevant.’ Iremember my school library: it had two floors with spiral staircases, individual study cubicles and Read More

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How to stay positive and manage anxiety during exam season

Many people get stressed before exams, but there are ways to increase your confidence and minimise your nerves A bit of stress before exams can be good, but if you’re overwhelmed by anxiety your university should be able to help you. Photograph: Alamy Some students will feel a growing sense of dread as exam season approaches – while others may Read More

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Academies plan turns schools into businesses, says union chief

ATL leader Mary Bousted tells conference forced academisation will not boost educational standards Mary Bousted said academisation was an attempt to dismantle national pay scales. Photograph: PR Nicky Morgan’s plans to force all schools in England to become academies is an attempt to turn education into a business and destroy the public service ethos of teachers, according to the head Read More