New Zealand
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Post-graduate students from India are increasingly choosing to study abroad. India’s most popular destination to study abroad (apart from USA) is countries such as Germany, Canada, U.K. & Australia. France, Singapore, Dubai, NZ are also seeing significant increases from India.
While many institutes in India are internationally competitive by most measures, but the numbers of students who can be served by these schools is quite limited. Hence increasing number of bright Indian are choosing to study overseas for higher education.
The cost to study in these countries varies, depending on the University, course, duration and the cost of living of the country. Credila understands the complexities of financing higher education and hence has customised loan solutions for each county to help brilliant minds pursue their higher education in the University of their choice.
It is this customised solution finding that has made Credila the preferred loan provider of thousands of students studying hundreds of different courses, in over 1000+ different Institutes, across these 35+ countries.