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3 most common reasons behind irregular periods

Most common reasons behind irregular periods MOST COMMON REASONS BEHIND IRREGULAR PERIODS: The problem of irregular periods is more common than what you think. You will be surprised to know that not some but many women experience irregular periods throughout their reproductive years. According to a 2011 report, published in Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, irregular period is a common Read More

How can I get pregnant if my male partner is infertile?

With infertility on a rise, it is no surprise that many couples are facing issues when it comes to bearing children. If we talk about the last five years, infertility has gone up by 20 to 30 per cent in our country! The responsible causes are a range of lifestyle factors, such as a routine that involves drinking and smoking, no exercise, Read More

Do you lead a sedentary lifestyle? Counter diseases through wellness activities

Sixty one percent of the deaths in India in the age group of 30 to 70 are due to non-communicable diseases such as heart disorders, diabetes, and cancer, according to a WHO report published in September 2017. Most of these are preventable deaths since they are associated with lifestyle choices made by individuals from early on in their lives. The Read More

Breakthrough: Here’s why iron can worsen malaria infection

Scientists have found a possible explanation for why iron can sometimes worsen malaria infection, an advance that may lead to better treatments for the disease. By studying mice and samples from malaria patients, researchers found that extra iron interferes with ferroportin, a protein that prevents a toxic build-up of iron in red blood cells and helps protect these cells against Read More

Delhiites, you are at higher risk of getting osteoporosis. Here’s why

A new study has found that people living in the city are at a high risk of suffering from brittle bones, which can cause fractures, even from simple acts like bending over or coughing. Nearly 60% of respondents in Delhi, including men and women, were found to be suffering from osteopenia and nine per cent already had osteoporosis. Osteopenia is Read More

Stay calm and meditate. It will improve attention span in old age

If you wish to remain attentive and focused in your old age, regular meditation is the key, according to a study. The research evaluates the benefits that people gained after three months of full-time meditation training and whether these benefits are maintained seven years later. Lead author Anthony Zanesco, now at the University of Miami in the US, however, cautions Read More

Do you skip meals to eat junk food? It’s making you overweight and undernourished

Giant corporates selling processed foods are not only raising undernutrition but also obesity in a country that is seen as the hub of stunted and undernourished children, say experts. They cited how biscuits, savoury snack packets and the likes, costing between one and five rupees, have replaced many meals for a large chunk of population across rural and urban India. Read More

Non-smokers, beware: Use of marijuana is linked to increase in cigarette smoking

If you only smoke marijuana, there are higher chances that you may end up smoking cigarettes too, a new study suggests. According to researchers, cannabis use is associated with an increased initiation of cigarette smoking among non-cigarette smokers. Previous studies have linked marijuana use in adolescence to bipolar symptoms in adulthood. While cigarette smoking has long been on the decline, marijuana Read More

Is Swallowing Orange Seeds Bad For Your Health

Oranges are one of the first fruits that come to mind when you think of adding fibre in your diet. And since they are known to have antioxidants properties that can help you to be fresh and stress-free, you can always make them a part of your breakfast, lunch or dinner. Moreover, all the parts of an orange are loaded Read More

Raw Mango Health Benefits: 6 Reasons To Add Kairi To Your Summer Diet

Kachchi kairi, or raw mango, is etched in all of our summer memories, as strongly as are the scorching winds, the uncomfortable heat and the relentless Sun. One of the perks of living in a tropical country like India is the opportunity to indulge in yummy thirst quenchers prepared from summer favourites, of which raw mango has the widest appeal. Kairi Read More