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Newly found mechanism could lead to preventing allergic reactions

Scientists have found a new mechanism in which an antibody can prevent allergic reactions in a broad range of patients. The breakthrough could pave the way for a far more effective allergy medicine. The antibody interacts in a complex biochemical process in the human body by which it prevents the human allergy antibody (IgE) from attaching to cells, thus keeping Read More

For a noble cause

On January 28, Mumbai will witness Pedal-O-Thon, a non-profit initiative by Oberoi International School’s high school students. The event is in partnership with the Fellowship of the Physically Handicapped, an NGO that aims to unite citizens of Mumbai (from grades 8-12) to cycle for a cause and become a part of change. A file picture of the last edition’s Pedal-o-thon. Read More

When School Choice Is Too Little, Too Late

For decades, we’ve relied on the K–12 public schools to ensure opportunity for all children and to develop strong future generations of Americans. Yet despite years of “school reform” along with much-increased spending, achievement gaps between advantaged and disadvantaged children have remained persistently large. Indeed, growing armies of school reformers agree on just one thing: We’re still leaving way too Read More

Rihanna Calls on World Leaders to Fund Education for the World’s Poorest Children

Rihanna attends the Fenty Beauty by Rihanna presentation at Callao Cinemas on Sept. 23, 2017 in Madrid, Spain.   Fotonoticias/FilmMagic/Getty Images Rihanna is leveraging her Twitter power to urge world leaders to financially commit to educating children in the world’s poorest countries while she takes part in an international conference in Senegal. In her role as ambassador for the Global Read More

UK raises overseas education aid by 50%

The UK is promising funding to keep 880,000 children in school in poorer countries The UK will increase aid for education in developing countries by 50% to £75m per year, International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt will promise. The government has faced criticism over its commitment to overseas aid – and this announcement marks a new emphasis on supporting education projects. Read More

Ice Diet: The Newest Fad Diet In The Bay Includes Eating Ice To Lose Weight

Has there been a time when you wanted to shed off those extra kilos and turned to these weird fad diets taking the internet by storm? Some of these bizarre diets include sirtfood diet, sleeping beauty diet, baby food diet and whole30 diet; what intrigued us was the ice diet that claims to actually burn off the fat surrounding your body. Unbelievable, right? Wait till Read More

Replace Sugar With Jaggery In Your Tea For These Amazing Health Benefits

Sugar is one of the most commonly used and easily available sweeteners across the world. However, when it comes to its nutritional properties, it is not-so-healthy. Do you happen to be a tea lover who often ends up putting a lot of sugar in their tea? If yes, then it’s time to limit its consumption as excessive sugar intake can cause Read More

What does the evidence say about turmeric’s health benefits?

The “golden latte” — hot milk mixed with turmeric — is all the rage. But does it actually benefit your health or just taste nice? (Unsplash: Osha Key) You may have seen it popping up on cafe menus recently — the “golden latte”. It’s hot milk mixed with turmeric, coconut oil, maybe a bit of honey. Turmeric has been proclaimed Read More

Corporate Canada needs to help break the silence on mental health

Chief executive officer and senior partner, KPMG in Canada While Canadian workplaces have seen some progress in the understanding of mental health issues, a large stigma still remains. This stigma sees many Canadians suffer in silence for fear they will be judged for talking about their mental health. This has to change. Recent statistics show that one in five Canadians Read More

Raising awareness of mental health issues is not enough

The profile of mental health has been raised significantly in the past few years, partly due to campaigning from mental health charities and partly due to high-profile people – from Prince Harry to Professor Green – speaking publicly and candidly about their own mental health problems. All of this should be welcomed as it removes the stigma around mental health and encourages people who Read More