Category Archives: News

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Tata Steel: potential Port Talbot bidder says he is yet to decide on offer

Sanjeev Gupta’s Liberty House is touted as possible saviour, but there are doubts as to whether it has resources to buy steelworks Sanjeev Gupta has met with the business secretary, Sajid Javid, to discuss a potential deal for Tata’s UK steel business. Photograph: Stefan Wermuth/Reuters The Indian metals tycoon who has emerged as a potential saviour of Tata’s UK steel Read More

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UK watchdog asks banks to check for ties to Panama Papers

Britain’s Financial Conduct Authority has asked 20 banks and other financial firms to check if they have any ties to Panama law firm Mossack Fonseca, the regulator said on Thursday. A massive leak of documents from the firm released this week detailed how the world’s rich skipped through loopholes to park cash in low-tax jurisdictions. “We have written to the Read More

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EU backs separation of asset managers’ research and trading costs

The European Union’s executive has proposed clear separation of research and trading costs to inject more transparency into the fees that asset managers charge customers. The European Commission published long-awaited draft rules on Thursday to flesh out a key section of the bloc’s reform of securities markets, known as MiFID II. It has decided largely to back advice from the Read More

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Ukip vows to roll back pub smoking ban in Scotland

Nigel Farage unveils party’s manifesto for Scottish elections, promising to raise drink-driving limit and provide free town centre parking Nigel Farage unveils Ukip’s manifesto for the Scottish election at the B&B club in Edinburgh on Thursday. Photograph: Andrew Milligan/PA Ukip has launched its Scottish manifesto by pledging to allow smoking in pubs, raise the drink-driving limit, and provide 30 minutes Read More

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Teenage girls who tortured Angela Wrightson to death given life sentences

Judge locks up girls, who were just 13 and 14 when they mounted ‘gratuitous, degrading’ attack on vulnerable alcoholic, for at least 15 years Angela Wrightson was subjected to a nine-hour ordeal before she was killed by the two girls, who were 13 and 14 at the time. Photograph: Cleveland police/PA Two teenagers who were in care and described as Read More

David Cameron admits he profited from father’s offshore fund

David Cameron has finally admitted he benefited from a Panama-based offshore trust set up by his late father. Analysis What David Cameron did and didn’t say about his father’s offshore trust The prime minister chose his response to reporter’s question about Blairmore Holdings very carefully – and he will probably get away with it Read more After three days of Read More

EU referendum: Migrant job data to be published

Specific information about the number of EU migrants paying tax and claiming benefits in the UK will be published in the run-up to June’s EU referendum. The move to release data on the number of National Insurance numbers actively used by EU citizens follows pressure from Eurosceptic MPs and economists. They have long argued official figures on inward migration from Read More

Prince of Wales’ Duchy of Cornwall wins oyster farm scrutiny appeal

The Prince of Wales’s private estate has won an appeal against a ruling that would have forced it to open up its dealings to greater public scrutiny. In 2011, the Duchy of Cornwall was ordered to disclose environmental dataabout an oyster farm it owns in Port Navas, Cornwall, to local campaigners. The tribunal had said the 700-year-old duchy was a Read More

Steel crisis: David Cameron urged to take personal charge of talks

Unite said the government’s handling of the crisis last week had been an “absolute disaster” Union leaders are calling on David Cameron to take personal charge of talks to prevent the closure of Tata Steel’s Port Talbot plant. They have accused Business Secretary Sajid Javid of “taking his eye off the ball” and say the PM needs “to get a Read More

Panama Papers: Mossack Fonseca link to Brink’s Mat robbery

Gerard Ryle, director of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), said the leaked documents covered the day-to-day business at Mossack Fonseca over the past 40 years. “I think the leak will prove to be probably the biggest blow the offshore world has ever taken because of the extent of the documents,” he said. The documents show 12 current or Read More