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Real Estate Content Strategy: SEO And Your Blog
If content writers had cocktail parties, I imagine things would go along quite swimmingly for a half hour or so: interesting conversation would be peppered with the most random factoids that only content writers would ever know. Then, somewhere around the bottom of everyone’s first glass, I can envision some disagreements breaking out. You see, we’re not all of the Read More
Checklist of Essential Small Business Technology in 2017
A growing number of small businesses rely on technology to increase efficiency, manage expenses, grow profitability and improve performance. According to SMB Group’s 2015 SMB Routes to Market Study (PDF), 29 percent of all small businesses view technology as helping them to improve outcomes significantly. Keeping up with the fast pace of technological change can be difficult for the business Read More
Why Small Business Owners Must Understand Financial Statements
As a small business coach, many times I will start the initial conversation with a new client by asking the business owner: What are the financial statements? I have gotten such perplexing answers as: A bunch of numbers on a piece of paper? A tax return? A bank statement? Does it have to do with a balance sheet? Are there Read More
A silent revolution in education
I am one to believe that in 2013 the sun did not shine on the education sector. A lot has been done over the decades and over the past 20 years education has seen good progress, especially in support services. In my view, there was a lot of good but also a lot of room for improvement. I think the system Read More
Trump’s “small business” tax plan helps only the rich
One of the central parts of President Trump’s tax plan is to cut taxes on what are called “pass-through” businesses. Proponents pitch that as a big boost for middle-class owners of small businesses. But a new analysis from the Tax Policy Center finds that aside from making Trump personally a lot richer, the pass-through provision would almost entirely benefit the Read More
Why technology is addictive and what to do about it
Do your palms get sweaty palms if your phone is out of reach? Author Adam Alter explains how technology is making and keeping us addicted. (Hamad I Mohammed/Reuters) A buzzing phone, glowing tablet or the sound of a favourite video game can be a powerful temptation many can’t resist. Now new research shows the cravings we have to connect to our devices can in Read More
Four Advantages of Investing in a Reliable Rifle Case
Whether you use your weapon on occasional hunting trips or every weekend, it’s a good idea to have a reliable case to keep it in. Fortunately, there are plenty of choices when it comes rifle cases with all of the features that satisfy your needs. Consider four advantages of investing in a quality rifle case for your hunting weapon. Easy Read More
B.C. home listings fall to 20-year low, real estate association says
The latest numbers from the B.C. Real Estate Association show residential property sales across the province are climbing while the number of homes on the market drops to a 20-year low. The association says the combination means affordability, especially in Metro Vancouver-area markets, will remain challenging because the lack of supply will keep prices high. Just under 10,000 homes in Read More
Moors Murderer Ian Brady dies
Daniel Sandford looks back at the life of Moors murderer Ian Brady Moors Murderer Ian Brady, who tortured and killed five children with Myra Hindley in crimes that shocked the nation, has died. The 79-year-old died at Ashworth Hospital, a secure psychiatric unit in Merseyside where he had been detained since 1985. Brady, who was jailed in 1966, buried four Read More
‘The Kardashian lifestyle is why you can’t buy a house’: millionaire developer
Tim Gurner’s social media account is very Kardashian-esque. Photos: InstagramMr Gurner’s concerns about Australians never owning homes is echoed by much of the nation. A recent ANU survey found that nearly 90 per cent of Australians were concerned future generations would be unable to buy a house. Multi-millionaire luxury apartment developer Tim Gurner, 35, is copping flak for telling millennials their lavish lifestyles and poor Read More