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Gut bacteria holds the key to solving Crohn’s disease

Fixing the balance of gut bacteria by introducing a specific kind of “good” bug could help treat Crohn’s disease, a painful, inflammatory bowel condition that affects millions worldwide, said researchers. Symptoms of Crohn’s disease include frequent diarrhea, fever, cramping, fatigue, rectal bleeding and unexplained weight loss. Previous research said that gut bacteria can be useful in ageing well and losing weight. The cause Read More

Ladies, have you been stressed lately? You are at greater risk of obesity

Women, who have recently experienced one or more traumatic events or those who have undergone several negative events in the last few years, are at a higher risk of developing obesity, warns a new study. Such events may also enhance cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack, stroke, diabetes and cancer. A recent study said that underweight or obese women are more Read More

New moms, take note: Breastfeeding could reduce eczema risk in children

Breastfeeding could reduce the risk of eczema in children, according to new research into the impact of programmes designed to support new mothers in feeding their babies. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that babies should be fed just breast milk for six months to help protect them from infection, prevent allergies and provide nutrients and energy. But many women Read More

Heart patients, beware: Heart attack ups dementia risk

A recent study has found that heart attack increased the risk of vascular dementia by 35%, and the risk remains elevated for up to 35 years after the heart attack. Researcher Jens Sundbøll from the Aarhus University, Denmark, looked into the number of dementia diagnoses among the roughly 2,00,000 Danes who survived the first year after a heart attack during Read More

Dear moms-to-be, make sure you have these 5 things in your bag when stepping out

Mothers-to-be today are constantly on their toes. During pregnancy not only is your body changing but your hormones are also surging, and in many ways you’re more susceptible to health and hygiene issues. But there are plenty of things you can do to make your journey as safe and enjoyable as possible and to prepare for what’s to come. Here’s a list of Read More

Healers in town to help you with lifestyle diseases

 From time immemorial, man has used the immense power of the plant world – the proof in several ancient texts – to beat diseases and death. Even in today’s e-age, the healing potential of herbs blurs both cultural and geographical boundaries. Samvaad, a conclave underway at Gopal Maidan in Bistupur to celebrate India’s indigenous inhabitants, their tradition and natural remedies, Read More

Our parents’ lifestyle has effect on us even in adulthood: Study

A recent study found that our parents’ lifestyle has a strong connection to how we handle our own lifestyles even into adulthood. Are you a smoker? Constantly falling sick? Low on funds? You can blame this on your parents! A recent study found that our parents jobs, health, what they ate and their lifestyle has a strong connection to how Read More

Climate change result of unsustainable lifestyle: India

Climate change is a result of unsustainable lifestyle and consumption pattern, Environment Minister Harsh Vardhan told world climate negotiators in Bonn in Germany, and hoped that the outcome of the ongoing summit is “balanced” and reached through a party-driven process. Making the country statement at the Conference of Parties (COP-23) yesterday, the minister said India’s traditional wisdom to tackle climate Read More

iPhone X Affected by Green Line on OLED Display, Some Users Say

HIGHLIGHTS Some iPhone X units develop green line across display The green line reportedly running from top to bottom, and is thick Apple replacing the affected units iPhone X, Apple’s first all-screen smartphone, is finally getting its share of issues and complaints. After unresponsive display issue in cold weather reported by some iPhone X users last week, the new smartphone has been reported to Read More

iPhone X Face ID Can Be Fooled by 3D-Printed Masks, Say Security Researchers

HIGHLIGHTS Scientists were able to fool iPhone X’s Face ID using 3D-printed mask The mask costed them just $150 According to the security firm, if exploited, Face ID can create problems Using a composite 3D-printed mask, a team of Vietnamese researchers claim to have fooled Apple’s Face IDauthentication system seen in the “super-premium” iPhone X, stressing that face recognition is “not mature Read More